Ticks ... Ick

Now that it is fall, and the fall color is starting to appear, a lot of people like to go hiking through the woods or just in a local park. Getting back to nature and going for long walks is a great idea. Brisk fresh air and exercise with the bonus of seeing colorful trees in autumn. What could possibly ruin this beautiful day?

TICKS!! Adult ticks are very active in the fall months of October, November, and December. They are still looking for a blood meal. So what can you do? There are many tick repellents on the market that provide excellent tick control. Please make sure to read the label for the correct application procedure, as they are highly effective when used properly.

Another important aspect of reducing tick bites, when enjoying your nature walks is to avoid brushing up against branches and foliage. When walking, stay int he center of the path to avoid brushing up against tall grasses and foliage. Upon returning home, shower as soon as possible and do a thorough body check for ticks.

Hear is a most interesting fact. Despite the possibility of getting a tick bite while enjoying the woods for camping, hunting, and dirt biking, most tick bites occur on our own properties. Border areas with shrubs or woods are hot spots for ticks as mammals such as mice or deer deposit them as they fall off after feeding. Children and pets are at greater risk as they tend to run and play in hot spot areas. more so than adults. Fortunately, Keep It Green Landscaping can help. With the right measures tick control and prevention is achievable. If you or someone you know is having a problem with ticks please feel free to share this blog with them.

For more information about our Deer Control and Tick Control services please see our page or give us a call at 201-445-4646 to set up a free consultation.

Rain and Mosquitoes, Perfect Together

We should all be quite thankful that this summer season has had plentiful rainfall. However, after each rain event, you need to be diligent about dumping and emptying anything that can hold water. These are the breeding places for mosquitoes. Mosquito season is not over and runs through October. It is still warm enough for mosquitoes to lay their eggs successfully in small amounts of water.

Late summer and early fall are great times to be outside in your backyard. Our organic insect controls can target mosquitoes, gnats, and ticks. The days may be getting a little shorter as we move further into fall, but outdoor fun is still on the schedule with our organic insect control programs.

For more information about our Mosquito Control and Gnat Control services please see our page or give us a call at 201-445-4646 to set up a free consultation.

Mosquitoes and Gnats and Ticks, Oh My!!!

We all remember Dorothy walking through the forest in Oz. Fear overcame her when she realized the dark woods might contain lions, tigers, and bears. She skipped and chanted lions and tigers and bears, oh my, becoming more and more fearful. Don't let your fear of mosquitoes, gnats, and ticks ruin your summer fun. Mosquitoes and ticks transmit diseases and gnats are just just a royal nuisance.

Here are some helpful tips. Mow your lawn weekly. I suggest a mowing height of three inches. If your lawn is overgrown it will make a better hiding spot for mosquitoes. Dethatching your lawn periodically will help with the gnats. Boarder areas between lawns and woods are zones where ticks can easily be found. So try to stay out of these area.

Remember, at Keep It Green Landscaping, our spray programs  provide you protection from mosquitoes, gnats, and ticks. Your summer should be filled with fun and memories. Our organic mosquito, gnat, and tick controls are a safe and effective way to keep your backyard from becoming the dark forest.

For more information about our Deer Control and Tick Control  and Mosquito Control and Gnat Control services please see our pages or give us a call at 201-445-4646 to set up a free consultation. 

Oh Deer - Stories from the Field

The other day we were spraying deer control in Montvale on one of our customer's properties and upon finishing the treatment and loading up to leave, I happened to look at the neighbor's front yard. So what did I see? Two deer laying quietly in the front foundation bed about four feet from the front door. I think the neighbor probably needs our Deer Spraying Program too. 

Ok, that's a nice story, but let's think about it a little bit more seriously. Deer are known to carry ticks and ticks are known to carry and transmit diseases like Lyme disease. Lyme disease is a very serious problem for many people have contracted it. Deer and deer ticks, YIKES! Those deer on your lawn and in your garden may not really look quite  so cute the next time your see them. 

For more information about our Deer Control and Tick Control services please see our page or give us a call at 201-445-4646 to set up a free consultation. Our deer control and tick spraying programs are helping to keep homeowner's plants and flowers intact and their yards a safer environment in which to live and for their children to play.

There's A New Tick in Town

Well maybe not your town yet, the Longhorned tick has been found in New Jersey. The Longhorned tick was first found on sheep in Hunterdon county, and more recently in Union country. The Longhorned tick is native to Asia. But has become an major invasive pest problem for Australia and New Zealand, and now it is here, in the United States.

Good news is that no Longhorned tick have been found in Bergen county yet. Bad news is these ticks do spread disease. But is has not been determined if the Longhorned tick will spread Lyme disease like the common Deer tick found in Bergen county. More bad news, like the Deer tick, they are very small and hard to find on pets. Sadly, these ticks have the ability to overwinter (survive through the cold of winter). Maybe the best news is our tick spraying program at Keep It Green Landscaping is an all natural organic tick control measure that can help you manage your tick problems. 

For more information about our Deer Control and Tick Control services please see our page or give us a call at 201-445-4646 to set up a free consultation.